That awkward moment when someone says "OH MY GOSH, YOU GUYS SHOULD DATE.!"
I wasnt that drunk... I wasnt that drunk! Dude, you asked your girlfriend if she was single..
Whenever I have a problem I just sing,then I realize my voice is worse than my problem
Our phones fall, we panic. Our friends fall, we laugh.
When I was born, Devil said "Oh shit, competition..!!"
Why is it that in every love story, mom agrees and dad disagrees? It`s because mom knows what love is, and dad knows what boys are. ♥
Can I take your picture?? I love to collect pictures of natural disasters
``I wasn`t that Drunk", "Dude you were in my pool trying to find Nemo!"
That awkward moment when Dora the Explorer discovers google maps.
Awkward moment, When you`re in the car, & you look at the people in thecar next to you, & they`re already looking at you
A wise monkey never monkies with another monkey`s monkey!
"this movie isn`t even scary!" *Based on a true story* "Oh shit."
Throwing random things at people then acting like it wasn`t you.
Mom: "Come here right now!" Me: "NO!" Mom: "1..." Me: "Pssh, like that`ll work." Mom: "2..." Me: "Oh shit, I`m coming!"
Lazy Rules #1:The farther away the remote is, the more you like what`s already on TV.
hey, I found your nose. it was in my business again.
I don`t understand how Super Mario can smash blocks with his head but dies when he touches a turtle.
That awkward moment when you`re yelling at someone and you mess up a word.
That look you give your friend when they say something they weren`t supposed to mention in front of your parents.
That awkward when you already said "moment" in your head before you even read it..
"If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?" "Why would my friends jump off a cliff?!"
"I`M GETTING PAPEEEERRR!!" Grandma please, stop playing with the printer.
That awkward moment when your dancing, then you turn around & you realize someone has been watching you the whole time.
theres a sickness called hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
seriously, THERE IS :P
That awkward moment when you feel like you’re going to fall backwards off a chair.
My parents used to be happy when I took naps… but now they think I`m lazy.
She`s so fake if you look behind her neck it says "made in china"
Dear "do not try this at home"⁰Okay! I`ll go to my neighbor`s house .
Spongebob has Patrick, Tigger has Pooh, Donald has Daisy and I have you.
Troubles are like babies - The more you nurse them, the bigger they grow!!
"Mom, I`m going out" "With friends?" "No mom, with terrorists"
Parallel lines have got so much in common. It’s a shame they’ll never meet.
if you need space?! JOIN NASA!
Remember when using "protection" meant wearing your helmet?
I don`t hate you but, My attitude has issues with your personality
My Bathroom sign reads " Realize your dreams beyond this door, because this is where the shit happens!"
Isn`t it weird how fairies are always females and the demons always male??
My girlfriend asked if I would swim across the ocean for her, and I said It`s freaking 2011, I`ll rent a boat
Rhinos are just fat unicorns. If we`d give them the time and attention they deserve, as well as a diet: They`d reveal their majestic ways.
A Short Description about youself