Good Night sms
On this night as i lie on my bed,i just cant stop thinking about u my LOVE.May u have a blessed & a beatiful
Despite the Old saying "Don't Take Your Troubless & Worries To Bed" Most of the People still sleep with their wives!!!
A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my good friend lastly gd nite n sweet dreams
Welcome aboard to “Sweet Dreams” airline, all passengers on bed,
hug your pillows as the flight will be leaving soon to dream land.
Enjoy your time Good Night…
Hide my tears when I say your name,
But the pain in my heart is still the same.
Although I smile & seem carefree,
There’s no one who miss you more than me.
Good Night & Sweet Dream
Black sky with solo moon
with millions of stars
brings you a silent hours
to take a nice rest.
Enjoy the whole night.
Good Night
Look outside its so romantic.
The cloud is hugging you,
With a cold wind,
The star singing for you,
The moon dancing for you,
Because I invite them all to wish you,
Good Night, Have a lovely Dreams and Sleep Well.
"do not count what u have lost. just see what u have now, because past never comes back but sometimes future can give u back ur lost things! 'good night'.
Don’t ever give up when you are down..
it doesn’t matter if you fall many times..
just remember that each time you fall ..
It never let you reach the me..
It always be around.Good Night.
Quickly go look out to the window.
I blow a kiss for you,
I hope it gonna last you
for the whole night.
Good Night
I was looking out the windows thinking about the person
I care most & the person that came into my mind is you so
just wanna wish you good Night.
Stars have settled & moon will shine,
friendship matures like lovely wine,
a very lovely night to a friend of mine,
may your night be cool & fine
Good Night Dear
I wish that God would hold you tight.
I hope that angels will keep you in site.
Now just to make sure you feel all right,
I’m gonna wish you a wonderful Night!
Good Night!
May the noor of this NIGHT illuminate
you heart,mind & soul
and may all your duas be answred.
Good Night
Wash your face and wash your feet! Now its time to fall asleep.
Yours eyes are weak ans mouth can”t speak so hope this night shall
be nice and sweet. Good Night.
darkness is every ware.
the birds r back there home.
road are quite
every body is sleeping.but i m not
u know y? just wanted 2 say u Good night
Take a deep breath,Stand near the window,Look at the sky,There will be two stars twinkling brightly,u know what they are????They are my eyes always taking care of U..Good night
There are a million stars
a million dreams,
you are the only star for me,
the only dream I dream.
See you In Dreams.
Good Night
In soft gleaming night of stars,
May all your dreams come true.
May every star of every night,
Bring love and joy to you.
Good Night
Night is longer than day for those who DREAM & day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS
come true. Wish you Good Night & Sweet Dreams!
The stars are out, The moon is up, 1 more HUG, 1 more smile,
KISS you once, KISS you twice, now its time for bed. Close
your eyes, and sleep tite!
If kisses could fly,
I would just send one
Just to say Good night!
Much Love
The feeling of affection starts from the eyes.. If u try to close your eyes, affection turns into a drop of tear and remains deep in your heart!good nite!!
I think your eyes are tired looking at this world reflecting through light,
Let your eye lashes hug each other for few hours.
Happy journey into the dream world.
Good Night
Hi Moon! Dim your light..
Hello Wind! Breeze soft..
Hi Flower! Blossom slowly..
Hello Earth! Spin gently.
Because my friend is going to sleep.
Good Night sweet dreams.
ThinGs 2 TaKe NoTe WheN u SleeP:
1st-MiSS Me
2nd-ThInk oF Me
3rd-HuG Me
4th-LoVE mE.
TrY 2 SlEEp NoW &
ClOSe Ur EyeS.
Get PrePaReD 2 DrEaM oF mE!
Gd NiTe!
Take it Light G,
Miss Me Slight G,
Never Do Fight G,
Have Fun Might G,
Eat Good Diet G,
Try Flying a Kite G,
Be Always Happy Right G,
& G0o0d Night G,
What a pity! I’m not at your place!
Miles separate me from you
This night in my dreams I’ll see your face
Good night, my angel, I hope you miss me too!
When you are at the end of the rope,
just tie “one” knot and hang on
ill surely come and tie the remaining ” two” around you…..
remember, only in darkness we can see stars ! !
whenever , wherever ill be there for you
good night and sweet dreams!!
If I was there tonight:
I would cover you in a blanket of love,
and hold you in my arms all night.
I would protect you against the monsters under your bed
and show you how much I care about you.
kisses and hugs, sweet dreams
Good Night
On this chill chill night,
in your dark dark room,
from your small small window,
look at the bright bright stars
wishing you a chweet chweet dreams
Once the moon winks at u tonight,
I wish sweet dreams embrace you tight.
Hope your day was quite all right
& now I bid u a lovely goodnight
If you are awake, goodnight my sweet darling and if you just
woke up, good morning honey. Love you so much.
As The Day Turn into Night,
Keep Your Worries Out of Sight.
Close Your Eyes and Go To Sleep,
All The Good Times Are Yours To Keep.
Sweetest Dreams
GooD NighT
Nobody teaches Sun to rise,Fish to swim,birds to fly,Plant to grow,Child to cry,& Nobody teaches a heart to choose a friend like U....Good Night...
You are the reason why I have sleepless nights,
You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight.
You are the reason I cant sleep without saying Good Night….
Lying on my Bed, Looking at The clock, I no that its time to zzz.
I wonder how have you been today… Hope Tat Every Thing is Fine..
Wish you sweet dreams and Sleep Tight!
No matter the sky is black or blue,
No matter there”s stars or moon,
As long as your heart is true,
sweet dreams will always be with you.
Good Night.
Close your eyes,
Concentrate your mind &
Pray to god about the things
That you want most.
GOD must fulfill your prayer...
Have a nice sleep...
G-o to bed O-ff the lights O-ut of tensions
D-reams come N-ice sleep I-gnore worries
G-et up early H-ave a nice day T-hank God always
I wish that God would hold u tight.
I hope that angels will keep u in site.
Now just2make sure u feel all rite,
I'm gonna wish u a wonderful Night!
As night falls upon the land,
it is time to sleep again.
With the moon hanging in the starlit sky,
I am here to wish you Night Night!
Sweet dreams, cover blanket tight tight
In tis lovely nite, I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U thru the nite, the wind 2 blow away ur stress N the
twinkle stars 2 guide U the way, sweet dreams G00d NIGHT!
I wish that God would hold you tite. i hope that angels will
keep you in site. Now just to make sure you feel all rite, I”m
gonna wish you a wonderful night! sleep tite!!
sleepy msg for a sleepy person from a sleepy friend for a sleepy reason at a sleepy time on the sleepy day in
a sleepy mood to say please sleep"gud night"
Remember that each time u fall ..
I'll nvr let u reach the ground..
Trust always be around.gudnight
It is very special today to say good night
because it is last night of the year.
I wish that God also forgive
all of our sins and mistakes.
So that we enter new year in refined and innocent form.
Good night.
1 evening I will come to you room,
lock the door,
turn off the lights,
join you in bed.
I’ll come closer to you,
my lips near your face….
I’ll shout: have a great night
At this moment 3.7 Millions are sleeping,
2.3 Millions are falling in Love,
4.1 Million are eating
only one cute person in the whole world
is reading my SMS
Good Night!!!
As the day turns into night,
keep your worries out of sight.
Close your eyes and go to sleep,
All the good times are yours to keep.
Sweetest dreams & Good Night
Tiny stars shining bright,
Its time 4 me 2 say goodnight,
So close ur eyes & snuggle up tight,
I’m wishing u sweet dreams tonight!
As you go to bed tonight, I ordered bats to guard you tight.
I told some ghosts to dance in white, & to make sure you are alright,
i”ll ask the Dracula to kiss your neck Good Night..
On this cold cold night,
in my small small room,
I look at the bright brigh stars
in the dark dark sky
Dream of your sweet sweet smile
on your cute cute face.
Just want to wish u GOOD GOOD Night
Night doesn’t become beautiful
with star studded sky & full moon,
It becomes beautiful when you go to sleep
let stars & moon admire your innocence.
Good Night
Night is Silent,
Night is Beautiful,
Night is Calm,
Night is Quiet..
Night is not complete
Without Wishing U
Good night.
Sweet dreams!.
Dont afraid its me.
Just putting a blanket of love upon you.
so that you’ll never feel that you are alone.
Love you
Have a cozy sleep full of heavenly dreams.
Good Night
Tiredness draws across the mind making the body fade
flexibility and soon windows of soul begin to close and
enter the dreamland!! Sweet Dreams!
Oops!?. Ouch I fell from bed
Trying to reach my phone just to
Say sweet dreams to you
Sleep tight.
Saying GoodNight is not just
putting an end to a day.
Its a way of saying ,
I remember u before i go 2 sleep.
Hope u can feel the care that goes with it….
Somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light
Someone think in of you some where out there
Where dreams come true…
Good Night & sweet dreams to you
To hearts which near each other move
From evening close to morning light,
The night is good; becose, my love,
They never say good-night.
In this lovely night,
I pray to the blue moon
to protect you through the nite,
the wind to blow away your stress
the twinkle stars to guide you the way,
Sweet dreams GoodNight
Master of puppets is pulling your strings,
Twisting your mind in Smas Hing your dreams.
Blinded by me, you can”t see a thing when i
count to 3 you shall fall a sleep 1,2,3,Zzz
Goodnight my dear
I'm glad I have u near
For the many things u've brought me
There's nothing I shall fear
Goodnight my dear
Let my songs wipe ur tears
We've certainly got each other
And we always shall through the years
Ssshh….Don’t afraid..
its me..
just putting a blanket of love upon you
so that you’ll never feel that you are alone..
Love you
Have a good sleep full of heavenly dreams….
Good Night
Take a glass of sugar
and put it in your eyes
so you will have sweet dreams!
If you want spicy dreams,
then try chilly powder!
Good night
Have a nice dream.