Free Special You SMS Messages
i luv ur eyes i luv ur smile.i cherish ur ways i adore ur style.Wot can i say?ur 1of a kind & 24/7 ur on my mind!
As I lie awake in my bed.All sorts of thought run through my head,Like why do I love u as much as I do.den I realise its because u r u!
I believe that God above created u for me to luv.he picked you out from all the rest cos he knew id luv you the best!
I love so much my heart is sure.As time goes on I love you more,Your happy smile.Your loving face No1 will ever take your place
Sweet as a rose bud bright as a star cute as a kitten thats what u are.bundles of joy sunshine and fun you are everything i luv all rolled into 1
I have liked many but loved very few.yet no-one has been as sweet as u.I'd stand and wait in the worlds longest queue.just for the pleasure of a moment with u.
A special smile a special face.a special someone i cant replace.i luv u i always will.uve filled a space no one can fill!
Girl ur clever girl ur smart.girl ur like a work of art.girl ur sexy girl ur fine.d only thing u aint is mine!