3 Beautiful Quotes:
“Deepest feeling is always felt in silence”
“There is no true love without jealousy”
“A thing lost is valued the most always”
Don't just say "I LOVE YOU" to someone if you really don't love the person, because sometimes it may hurt people!
True Words:
If Everyone Is HaPpy With You,
Then SureLy You Might HaVe
Made Many C0mpromiSes In Your Life
If one cannot invent
a really convincing lie,
it is often better
to stick to the truth.
A person who can explain color to a blind man can explain everything in life
Everyone wants happiness,
No one needs pain,
But its not possible to get a rainbow.
Without a little rain.
The great thing a little lamp can do
which the big sun cannot do is,
It gives light at night.
It shows,
no one is superior by size,
but by purpose.
Life is a game, play it; life is a challenge, meet it; life is an opportunity, capture it. In life, the best revenge is living
We spend our days waiting for
the ideal path to appear in front of us.
But what we forget is that,
paths are made by walking, not by Waiting.
Always Listen To Your Elder’s Advice,
Not Because
They Are Always Right
But Because
They Have More Experience Of Being Wrong…!
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up
A careless word may kindly strife.
The cruel word usually wrecks a life.
Timely words help level stress.
But it’s loving words that heal & Bless.
In life, dont expect anything from anyone.
Because expectation, when not fulfilled, gives you pain.
When you get something without expecting it,
It gives you pleasure.
Keep doing your part
And leave the rest to God.
Opinions Are Like Wrist Watches!!
Everyone’s Watch Shows
Different Time From Other
Everyone Believes That
Their Time Is Accurate … (;->
Life is not always smooth and soft. There may be narrow ways, up and downs, darkness and shadows. Overcome everything with wisdom and patience.
When we are angry,
we can change decision
but not feelings.
The changed decision
may give satisfaction
at that time.
But later it hurts our feelings a lot.
Education is the best friend.
An educated person is respected everywhere.
Education beats the beauty and the youth
Life is not measured by breaths we take in a moment but by the moments that take our breath away
Keep Correcting your Little Mistakes!.
Because Nobody Slips down by Hills..!!
But just Slips by Little Stone.
Never choose someone without understanding
Never loose someone bcoz of Misunderstanding.
To be most successful in life,
always forget the problems
that you faced in life,
but never forget the lessons
that those problems taught you…!
Always REMEMBER to 4GET those things that make u sad
But nvr FORGET to REMEMBER those things that make u glad. :)
A good relation does not depend upon
how good understanding we have,
It rather depends upon how good we are
at avoiding the misunderstandings.
Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world!
Forgiveness is the glue,
that repairs broken relationships.
Compromising doesn’t mean that
your are wrong and someone is right,
it only means that
you value your relationship
much more then your ego.
Yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery.today is a gift that is why we call it the present!
Patience is not the ability to wait
but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting,
knowing well that God makes everything
beautiful in his time.
Don’t spoil what you have
by desiring what you don’t have
coz what you have now
is one of the many things
Two things indicate weakness
One to be silent
when it is the proper time to speak.
Second to speak
when it is the proper time to be silent.
GOD is always playing CHESS with each one of us. He makes Moves in our LIFE & then sits back to see how we react to the CHALLENGES … So make the best move before CHECKMATE….
A very meaningful sentence
written at a graveyard..!!
“As You are, So We were,
As We are, So shall You be…!!!”
Each moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before. And which ull never see again so enjoy & live life & make each moment beautiful….
What’s winning attitude?
3 ants saw an elephant coming.
Ant 1: we will kill him
Ant 2: we will break his legs
Ant 3: Forgive him guys, he is alone & we are 3.
From the Wise Saying Of Hakeem Luqman:
* If u r in prayer, take care of your Heart,
* If u r eating, take care of your Throat,
* If u r in another man’s house, take care of ur Eyes,
* If u r talking to close person, take care of ur tongue.
“Excellence has always been achieved
by those who dared believe
that something inside them
is superior to circumstances”
Believe in yourself.
Like all,
trust few,
follow none,
but Learn from everyone.
Happiness cant be found when you seek it for yourself
But when you give it to others
It finds its way back to you
that is the mystery of happiness
It grows when shared
If U Want To Gain Knowledge, Add Something Everyday 2 Ur Mind.
But If U Want To Gain Wisdom, Remove Something Everyday 4rm Ur Mind
When I was a kid.
I wanted to grow up soon.
Now that I grown up,
I realize that wounded emotions
and broken hearts.
Banta: You know,
husband & wife are not allowed to be together in heaven!
Santa: Yes, I know.
That’s why it is called heaven!
Ups & Downs,
Unexpected Results & Problems Are A Part Of Life.
Never Lose Hope In Any Condition
The Darkness Of Night Always Finishes With Light Of Day
Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
A famous poet Eliot said,
when u get little
u want more
when u get more
u desire even more
but when u lose it
u realise
was enough
“Sometimes people are nothing.
You make them something!
And when they become something.
They feel that you are nothing.
Shakespeare said:
I Always Feel Happy.
You know Why…?
I Don’t Expect Anything from Anyone.
Expectations Always Hurts..!!!
A well wisher is not 1 who meets you every day
and talks with you every day.
A well wisher is 1 who may or may not meet you,
but always thinks of you & your happiness.
Never Blame any Day In Your Life.
Good Days Give You Happiness.
Bad Days Give You Experience.
Both Are Essential In Life.
All Are Gods’ Blessings..
Past is experience,
Present is experiment,
Future is expectation.
So use experience in your experiment to achieve your expectation
“The dream is not wat u see in sleep, dream s d thing which does not let U sleep…..
A Blind Man once asked a Wise man:
Can there be anything worse
than losing your Eye Sight?
The Wise Man replied: Yes.. losing your VISION
Thought for the day”
Always be the reason of someone’s happiness never just a part of it.
Be a part of someone’s sadness never the reason for it.
FOUR Real FACTS to live better life ;
Never say sorry to one , who understands u…
Never say Bye to one , who NEEDS you…
Never Blame the one , who really TRUSTS you…
Never forget the one , who always REMEMBERS u..
Success is like tip of the tail !!!
If cat runs to catch the tail.
It has to keep running forever.
But if it walks in its own style.
Tail follows!!
Live life with your own rules….
A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity,A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty,wish u an optimistic life..
The happiness of you life
depends upon the quality of your thoughts.
But the quality of your thoughts
depends on the people whom you meet in ur life.
Love tip-
It is advisable to over react
whenever ur partner is in trouble.
It is an opportunity to express
your love and solitude to him..
Never Be Proud Nor Depressed
For What You Are And
The Position You Hold In Society.
After The Game Of Chess,
King And Pawns Go In The Same Box.
Being a good person
is like a being a goal keeper
No matter how many goals we save,
People will remember
only the one that you missed.
An excellent road sentence
written on national highway:
“Go Slow, Unless You
Have An Urgent
Appointment With God.
Smooth roads never make good drivers!
Smooth sea never makes good sailors!
Clear Skies never make good pilots!
Problem free life never makes a strong & good person!
Be strong enough to accept the challengers of life.
Don’t ask Life
“Why me?”
Instead say
“Try Me!”
Humans tell the TRUTH in TWO situations:
ONE: to SAVE “WHAT” they are LOSING,
TWO: when they have ‘NOTHING’ to loose.
If U can solve ur problem, then what is need of worrying?
If U cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying.