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Hard Times Are Like a Washing Machine,
They Twist,
Turn & Knock Us Around,
But In The End we Come Out
Cleaner, Brighter & Better Than Before…
One simple tip to stay happy always.
Never think & speak about a 3rd person,
Never think what a 3rd person thinks & speaks about you.
Da poorest man on earth is not da 1 without money, but is da 1 without a dream
The secret of success
is 2% inspiration
98% dedication
Forgiveness does not change the past,
but it does enlarge the future.
No man in this world is rich enough
to buy his own past.
Enjoy each moment of your life
before it gets beyond reach.
Have Good Day!
You must have
long range goals
to keep you
from being frustrated
by short range failures.
Silence is the fence around wisdom
If you foot slips,
You can always regain your balance
If your tongue slips,
You can never recall the words
You are the only answer
to the question of your life. You are the only key to
the lock of your future.
Never expect things to happen..
struggle and make them happen.
never expect yourself to be given a good
value create a value of your own
Never leave the one you like for the one you love.
Because the one you like will leave you for the one they love!!!!
FACT: A tear burns hundred drops of blood
when it comes out of an eye.
Crying for someone means your gradually dying for someone.
for you.
If the looser keeps his smile,
then the winner will lose the thrill of victory,
Be stronger at each step of life.
Some promises are always unbroken
Some memories are always unwritten
Feel the magic of true relation and You’ll realize
that true feelings are always Unspoken…
Mother Terasa :
“Don’t expect your FRIEND to be a Perfect person”
But, “Help your FRIEND to become a Perfect person.”..
Thought of the day-
Dont let someone become a priority in your life
when you are an option for them
ANGER is a condition
in which the tongue
works faster than
the mind.
SMILE is an action
which makes everything work faster except
the tongue.
Keep Smiling…
“This is a funny world where they make
Lemon Juices with
Artificial flavours and Dishwash liquids with
Real Lemon.”
Sometimes a blank paper
tells you a whole story and
at times even a book lacks the meanings,
It is true that words are important but
silence increase the worth of the some words.!
Nature has given to men one tongue,
but two ears, that we may hear
from others twice as much
as we speak.
Treat everyone with politeness
even those who are rude to you
not because they are not nice
but because YOU are nice.
It is easy to love the people
far away. It is not always
easy to love those close to us.
Bring love into your home
for this is where our love
for each other must start.
Old concept: Do or Die
New concept: Do before you die
Latest concept: Don’t die, until you do
Never ever reject any girls in your life..!
A good girls gives you happiness.
Bad girls gives you experience!
DISTANCE never separates any relation
TIME never builds any relation.
Then relations always remain there.
Happiness is a perfume.
You cannot spread on others without getting a few drops on urself.
So always be happy to make others happy !
Good behavior can cover the lack of good looks,
But good looks can never cover the lack of good behavior,
So keep your behavior at the level best.
If you wait to be happy,
you will wait for ever.
But if you start to be happy,
you will be happy from today.
Life is a great travel trip…
Problem is that it doesnt come with a map.
We’ve to search
our own ways to reach the Destinations…!
Never search your happiness in others
It will make you feel alone.
But search it in yourself
You will feel happy even if you are alone.
“A person who laughs
more and also makes others laugh, would probably be having a thunder storm of sadness beneath their heart.”
you once desired for.
Good Day!
Life is made of small jumps over great obstacles. it's in the courage of getting thru them that makes life
challenging & exciting.
The true meaning of life is to plant trees
under who’s shade you do not expect to sit.
In life you don’t need many
relationships to b maintained.
You just need to say that
the relationship you have maintained
has life in it.
A Good Heart And A Good Nature
Are Two Different Issue
A Good Heart Can Win Many Relationships,
But A Good Nature Can win many good hearts.
Trust is the easiest thing in World to lose
& the hardest thing to get back.
To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.
if you ever want to succeed in your life:
"Be sweet as honey, Be regular as clock, Be fresh as rose, Be soft as tissue, and Be strong as rock."