Boys think of girls just like books. If the cover doesn`t catch their eyes, they won`t even bother to read what`s inside.
Nothing sexier than a girl that knows how to take control.
Guys get jealous just from seeing pictures of you and another guy anywhere ladies.
Boys have selective hearing. They really only hear what they want to hear.
Ladies.. Let no past relationship ruin your love life. Remember: "Love will only fail when you fail to love!" Keep moving!
If he doesn`t love you at your worst If he doesn’t love you at your worst, he doesn’t deserve you at your best
She can talk about him all day but when he`s actually around she`s speechless
Every girl has that special boy she`ll never forget about.
I like being the girl nobody can have.
If you choose between two guys, always pick the second one; If you really loved the first one, you would have never thought of the second one.
A girl`s smile hides thousand words, a girl`s tears hides thousand feelings.
I`m jealous of every girl that has ever hugged you, cause for one moment, they hugged my entire world.
You know it`s almost summer; when you have to shave your legs almost every day because you`re wearing shorts.
Admit it : We all wish we cud take our tummy fat And glue it to our boobs
A real man doesn`t love a million girls, he loves one girl in a million ways ♥
Women are like google you just want one answer but u always end up getting a million other u don`t want. :P
A woman will always forgive & forget.. But she`ll never let u forget that she had forgiven & forgotten..
A woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s. She changes it more often.
A foolish man tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells her that her mouth is extremely beautiful when her lips are closed. ;-)
You`re gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul. So don`t come back for me. Don`t come back at all.
A man can love a million woman, but it takes a real man to love a woman in million ways.. :)
Men are like parking spots, the good ones are taken and the free ones are handicapped.
Women are completely defenseless..... until the nailpolish is dry. :D
A woman can become dangerous for man in two cases: when he doesn`t satisfy her, and when he satisfies her.
It`s a girl`s world....guys just live in it..!!!
He taught me housekeeping. When we divorced, I keep the house.
A woman always has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new one.
Hurricanes are like women: when they come, they're wet and wild, but when they leave they take your house and car.
To find out a girl's faults, praise her to her girlfriends.
Why do women always ask questions that have no right answers?
Nothing in the world is more expensive than a women who's free for the weekend.
Most women don't know where to look when they're eating a banana.
The only one of your children who does not grow up and move away is your husband.
I think my girlfriend's hallucinating. She keeps telling me she's seeing other people.
At the beginning of a relationship, I wonder if women rub their hands together and say "Let the games begin!"
When a woman asks me how long I can last in bed I tell her it depends on how long someone brings me food and water but probably years.
Women live longer than men because typically women don't get married to women.
(Glass breaks) woman: I think someones breaking in! Man: I'll take care of this (grabs a toilet brush) Woman: A toilet brush? What are you going to do scrub him to death? Man: Would you want to be touched with this?
When the Spice Girls chose their "Spicy" alter-ego nicknames, the girl with the biggest boobs should have chosen to go by Spice Rack
This body was built for neither speed nor comfort. But it idles well
Girls make as much sense as the ingredients in Four Loko.
Nothing warms a woman's heart more than a man revealing his.