Good Evening SMS
Its human tendency to run behind people whom we love and neglect the ones who love us bcoz We r sure we'll never loss them ....strange bt very true... Good evening
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect..
It just means
we have decided to see everything beyond the imperfections".
.. Good evening...:-
"V may easily forget d people wid whom v laughed n enjoyed. But,"v cant 4get those people wit whom v cried n shared our feelings.its true. Gud evening…
Good evening 2 u sms
Why does the SuN set and Rise every day?
So tht i can wish Good MorninG
Good evening 2 u
Worries are like Moon. one day will increase, one day will decrease, other day may not be seen. So Don't Worry for Anything. Always Be cool. Good evening ...:-)
Separation is a wound that no one can heal..!
remembrance is a gift dat no one can steal..!
Keep your memories intact..!!.
good evening
A simple good evening becomes a special greeting when someone so dear it is heartily given, because you have to me a wonderful meaning. Take care!
Don't guess a person's character on his present situation. Bcoz, Time has the power to change an ordinary coal into a precious diamond....gud evng. . .
My wishes are silent but true,
Everywhere they will follow you...
Luck is yours,Wishes are mine...
I wish your present & future always shine...
Good Evening
A nice quote n the fact.. "closest relationship in the world have fought more battle than the enemies"
So keep fighting with loved one.. Gud evng. .
My wishes are silent but true,
Everywhere they will follow you...
Luck is yours,Wishes are mine...
I wish your present & future always shine...
Good Evening