“No” is not a negative word. Saying “No” can save you from some of the life`s greatest pains
Don`t do something permanently stupid because you`re temporarily upset.
Be mindful what you toss away, be careful what you push away, and think hard before walking away.
life is the ticket to the greatest show on earth.
Don`t look back and ask why. Look ahead and say why not
i`m not worrying, i`m thinking ahead...
Never regret. If its good, its wonderful. If its bad, its experience.
"If you overlook the way right before your eyes, how will you recognize the path beneath your feet?"
A good person let`s go and forgives even the most painful of things, a great person also forget`s them.
BOYS, If you can’t stand women’s moodiness n women’s questions, don’t court one.
Nothing will work unless you start working.
Don`t be irreplaceable. If you can`t be replaced, you can`t be promoted.
I’m too lazy to search what PROCRASTINATION means… so, I’ll GOOGLE it tomorrow
---> insert clever status here <--- data-blogger-escaped-hr=""> Sometimes people have to cry out all their tears to make room for a heart full of smiles.
Improvement starts with "I"
If being apathetic is wrong, then I don’t care.
Google “Chuck Norris” and then click I’m feeling lucky.
The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything...
Why do people lie and cheat? Because they know its easier to get forgiveness than permission
When odds are one in a million, be that one.
Some people think NO is a negative word. But sometimes saying NO can save you from life`s greatest pains!
the two best times to keep your mouth shut are when you`re swimming and when you`re angry.
May you always be treated the way you treat others.
Life`s like a pen. You can use white out to cover the mistakes up, but you`ll always be reminded of where you went wrong.
There are more important things in life than money. The trouble is they all cost money. ツ
"You`re nothing to me." "Why??" "Because nothing lasts forever.."
How to get your teen to clean their room? Tell them you love doing it for them because then you get to snoop around in their stuff!
I think, therefore I like
If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again it was probably worth it.
Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them….
Trust is hard to gain, yet easy to lose.
Never apologise for saying what you feel, its like saying "sorry for being real"
Troubles keep me interested in my life :)
Step backward doesn`t always mean we`re defeated. It means we`re going to take the same step forward again, but.. wiser.
Never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings.
people who laugh the most have experienced the most pain
An ugly pesonality can destroy a pretty face...
Why give second chances when there are people waiting for their first?
i don`t need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends i can be certain of.
Regret is looking back. Worry is looking forward. Hope is looking up.
Quitters never reach success, successes never quit.
Nothing is Impossible, because IMPOSSIBLE itself says, I’M POSSIBLE.
Make them wonder why you`re still smiling.
Confucius says "Love one another." If it doesn`t work, just interchange the last two words.
If you like water than you already like 72% of me. :)
I don’t wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
Only two things I wish EVERYTHING AND NOTHING: Everything that makes you happy and nothing makes you suffer Happy new year!
I am 100% sure you are reading my status right now
You might say I`m a dreamer, but I`m not the only one - John Lennon
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
I am a part of all that I have met.
Money can’t buy friends, but you can get a better class of enemy.
You can`t be late until you show up.
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway. :)
has learned that you can`t please everyone... but you can piss them all off at the same time!
Don’t ever wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it.
put your hands up if you think I’m crazy… think again who’s the one sticking their hand up in front of the computer
If you admit when you’re wrong then that counts as being right… so basically, I’m always right.
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning ,,,but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the more you have the longer you live.
The 3 C`s of life...Choice, Chance, Change.. You must make the Choice to take the Chance if u want anything to Change.
There are two kinds of secrets: 1. Those we keep from others. 2. Those we hide from ourselves.
good judgment comes from experience. sometimes, experience comes from bad judgment.
Promise only what you can deliver. Then deliver more than you promise.
R - Reigniting I - Inspirations S - Strive for E - Excellence
A girl`s laughter is much more cheerful than a boy`s. But a boy`s tear is much more meaningful than a girl`s.