Smoking SMS
Every cigarate you smoke, decreses your life by 5 minuts. Sex increses your life by10 mintes. So basic theme of equation is that “A FUCKING SMOKER NEVER DIES.”;-)
The great PHILOSOPHY from a passionate smoker: “I always think of leaving cigaratte” But for thinking I need a cigaratte.
People say that smoking is not good but it is the way to keep loving cos S=send M=me O=one K=kiss E=everyday
Do u know y God created gaps between fingers?? Nooooooo!! BCZ Sumone will come in ur life,,,hold ur hand & slowly say "Le Cigratte te sutta laga"
Every cigarate you smoke, decreses your life by 5 minuts. Sex increses your life by10 mintes. So basic theme of equation is that “A FUCKING SMOKER NEVER DIES.”;-)
The great PHILOSOPHY from a passionate smoker: “I always think of leaving cigaratte” But for thinking I need a cigaratte.
People say that smoking is not good but it is the way to keep loving cos S=send M=me O=one K=kiss E=everyday
Do u know y God created gaps between fingers?? Nooooooo!! BCZ Sumone will come in ur life,,,hold ur hand & slowly say "Le Cigratte te sutta laga"