School Facebook Status
Even though I finished my test first, I wait for someone else to get up.
If teachers are so smart, why do they ask us questions?
"I wanna go home"..."Dude School just started..."
I Love It when I guess a answer in the Exam and get it right :)
Engineering is like walking in a park and the park is . . . . ...JURASSIC PARK
So what`s the point of being on holiday when I have tons of homework?
The awkward moment in class when someone stares at you for no reason.
Like if your teacher changes the slides too damn fast!
Elementary School- *crying* I DIDN`T DO MY HOMEWORK!!! .. Middle School- I didn`t do it... .. High School- We had homework?
Without school it`s really hard to know what day it is.
I`ve probably learned more from google then I have from school.
How when your sitting in class and the teacher calls on you and asks what the answer is, and you just sit there with a blank look on your face in dead silence !!
When someone asks, "How old Are You?" "16?17?" And you reply, " No actually I`m 13." ;)
i Love That "5 Minutes Left In School" Feeling.
`Would you like to share that with the class?` No, thats why i whispered it.
Fact: not all goodbyes are sad. Example: "goodbye, class."
Father opens the school card & sees all bad grades. “What do u have 2 say about this, son?” “Well, Dad, at least you know I’m not cheating!”
"Can I copy your homework?" "Yeah, but the answers are probably all wrong" "I don`t care, Thanks!"
Dear LETTERS: Please stay in the ALPHABET. Sincerely, an ALGEBRA student
Teacher: Molly, how can you prove the world is round? Molly: I never said it was.
Teacher: I told you to stand at the end of the line? Little Kid: I tried, but somebody was already there.
Difference between love and exams. Love: lots of thoughts in mind, but no guts to express. Exams: lots of guts but no thoughts in mind
Dear teacher, I talk no matter where I am. Moving my seat will not help, in fact it will only make me talk more.
that feeling you get when you understand something in math
Start of the school year: brand new awesome folders, pencils and pens. End of the school year: one pen.
L.E.C.T.U.R.E.S = Literally Effective in Causing The United Response of Everyone Sleeping.
when you hear your parents footsteps, the text book is suddenly open ;)
Realizing you borrowed the pen you’re sticking in your mouth
During exams, We look UP for Inspiration. DOWN for Desperation. LEFT AND RIGHT for Information. ;]
That Awkward Moment.. when you`re about to cheat, but you see the teachers looking right at you so you pretend to look around
That awesome moment when the teacher asks u a question, thinking u wasn`t paying attention. Then u answer right, it`s like What now! B*-ch!
Hey Google, why don`t you sit next to me during my exam? ;)
No Mom, It doesnt matter whether I go to bed at 9:00pm Or 2:00am When I wake up tomorrow at 6am I`ll be tired either way.
Dear dude sitting next to me, I can see you copying my test.... Sincerely, joke`s on you, I didn`t study either.
*STUDYING* The above dangerous stunts are performed only by trained professionals so! don`t try this at school or at home
just sitting in class,Nodding your head,When all of a sudden you hear "Make sure you know that,it will be on the test." And you`re like "Wait, what?"
☑ Like-ing ☑ Eating ☑ Listening to music ☐ Studying.
S.T.U.D.Y = Sleeping, Talking, Unlimited Texting, Dreaming, Yawning.
When someone randomly falls out of their chair during class.
Struggling to do your exercise? Do it early in the morning, before your brain figures out what the hell is going on!!
I wish studying for an exam was as easy as remembering lyrics. I`d pass every exam.
Height of Geniousity.... When i was at school, someone stole my rough notes.... now they call it as... .. .. ``Oxford Dictionary``
My teacher always is talking to her imaginary friend named "Class".
*taking test* B ...B ...B ...B ...B ...Hold up! 1 of these has to be wrong.
Teacher: your only homework is to study, don`t forget! Class: WOOOHOOO! NO HOMEWORK!!!
Teacher - if you add 5 oranges to the 9 oranges, then what will you get?? Student - A Math problem -_-
Dear Kindergarten children, If you don`t like nap time, please give it to us. Sincerely, High School students.
My class turns to a jungle in seconds after the teacher walks out.
Only in math problems can you buy like tons of watermelons and no one will be suspicious of it.
That WTF moment when You make plans & get all excited, then your mother says no.
Dear Teacher, I talk to everyone. So moving my seat won`t help. Sincerely, student.
Be nice to the nerds, they will be your boss one day :-B
I HATE when people volunteer to read in class... and can`t read.
Friend: Hey can I copy your homework? Me: Wait... we had homework?!
Your college friends know who you are, but your high school friends know why.
There will be always that one teacher asking you a question and your friend next to you whispering the answer.
That proud moment when: You say something funny in class, and everyone laughs at it.
I was good at math until the Alphabet came in.
The brain is the most outstanding organ. It works for 24 hours, 365 days, right from your birth, until you step in the exam hall.
College is a place where some pursue learning and others learn pursuing.
Teacher: 3 girls are walking in the road. Turn the sentence in to exclamitory. student: WOW!
start of school, amazing pens, pencils etc. end of school, i`m left with one pen.
You know you`re not paying attention in class when you start to doodle on the paper.
Everytime I see "Explain." on a test, a part of me dies...
Awkward Moment : You and your friend are talking in class and everyone else is dead silent..
that awkward moment when you shout the wrong answer in class thinking you were right.
Theres always that one dumb ass kid who always reminds the teacher about test`s & homeworks.
Dear students, I know when you`re texting. Seriously.. no one just looks down at their crotch and smiles. Sincerly, teacher.
Parents always see us taking a break, but they never see us studying.
Class, I couldn’t grade your papers. I was busy." “Yeah. I couldn’t do my homework. I was busy too?”
That one kid in class that can ask the teacher random questions to get them off topic. "Good job mate."
No matter how much sleep I get, I`m always tired when I get up for school !
Drawing an arrow on the bottom so the teacher knows to flip the page over! LIKE if you do this. :D
"OH, I GET IT! " ( Teacher walks away ) " Dude, i STILL dont get it"
The more you learn, the more you know! The more you know, the more you forget! The more you forget, the less you know So.. Why learn? :D
I`ve probably learned more from Google than I have from school.
3 things that should not be asked..1. A man`s wage 2. A woman`s age AND 3. A students percentage. It hurts..
3 Ways to write in EXAM: Look up for INSPIRATION, Look down for CONCENTRATION and Look around for INFORMATION!
The best 2 days of school are always the first and the last
That awkward moment when you find out someone from your school is following you on twitter.
Dear James Bond, I have an impossible mission for you.. My next exams. Sincerely, Depressed Student.
School may be hard, annoying, and irritating. But admit it, you’re going to miss it when it ends.
TEACHER: What does "coincidence" mean? Student: Funny, I was just going to ask you that. :)
That awkward moment when you`re about to cheat, but you see the teachers looking right at you so you pretend to look around :P
You know it`s summer when you wake up not knowing what day of the week it is
You probably won`t remember the test u failed but u`ll never forget the person u were with the night before, when u decided not to study.
Mom: "How was school?" You: "Good." Mom: "What did you do?" You: "Nothing."
I was born intelligent education ruined my life.
The ONE DAY I`m absent from school is the ONE DAY everything happens!
The awkward moment when a teacher you don`t like says good things about you to your parents... O_O
Whenever I try to study I always end up laying on my bed doing some random stuff.
Hey Google why don`t you sit next to me during my exam?
Math was SO much easier when i was a little kid!
I am sooo excited for school to start again!! *School starts* I hate school.
The Longest 5 Mins. in the World is The Last 5 mins. of a LECTURE!!! While The Shortest 5 Mins. is The Last 5 mins. of an EXAM!!!
Oh hi life, I didn`t see you behind all that school!
"Why are you talking during my lesson?" ... "Why are you teaching during my conversation?"
Making your font look bigger so it looks like you`ve written more.
Realizing you borrowed the pen you`re sticking in your mouth.
Teacher: "Why don`t you have a writing utensil?" You: "Its 7AM, you`re lucky I`m even dressed."