20 Riddle / Puzzle SMS free
Complete this Sentence: “I always wanted to tell U that ………….” Text Me back with the Answer & Forward to see what Others Text U Rply is Must.
Question : When do you CONGRATULATE someone for their MISTAKE.
In This World, We Have Only POSTMEN ! But, No POSTWOMEN ! Why?? Think ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes B’coz, They Take 9 Months 4 One DELIVERY
Smile is the 2nd best thing you can do with your Lips. What is first thing? ..??..
Interesting confusions: 1. Can you cry under water.? 2. Do fish ever get thirsty.? 3. Why dont birds fall out of trees, when they sleep.? 4. What do you call a male lady bird.? 5. Why is it called building, when it is already built.? 6. When they say dog food is new n improved in taste. Who tastes it.?
Do Reply to Question Qusetion: How to determine if some one is in true Love with you Ans???
What part of a human, which size doesn’t increase? (remain as same as at the time of Birth)
Do u think u can answer…. Question: 4___4___4___4 = 20 Use +, -, /, * To Solve It. It’s A Challenge… Reply The Answer.
Choose any number below, I will tell about your personality I will give you answer after your reply 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 00 Reply is must.
For India its Ind. For Pakistan its Pak. For Afghanistan its Afg. For Argentina its Arg. For Germany its Ger. Then what’s for Brazil and London ?
This is a smart test, try 2 solve it R+CAT+SHOW-RAT+SUN-CHOSE+MOON+I-NOON+GOAL+T-GOAT-U+E Send answer if u r a genius. It’s only 1 word. Solve n reply
Teacher asks Girl: Which part of Human body Expands 10 times its normal size..? Girl: I can’t answer this question I feel shy…! Teacher asks same question to a boy. Boy replies: Its the Pupil of Human Eye. Teacher: Right! Then turns to the girl: Listen girl your thinking is wrong and your expectations are too high.
This is a secret msg send only 4 u, try 2 solve what it means: LISTEN – TL + MAD – SEN + ICE – CEAD + SUCCESS + YES – CUE + OUT – TESCS. GIVE ME THE ANSWER IF YOU KNOW answer=” I MISS YOU”
Fill these blanks with Yes or No….. 1._______________ I don’t have a brain. 2._______________ I don’t sense. 3. _______________ I am stupid. 4._______________ I am not a human. Try to fill.
When u get this SMS, send it to 1 person U love, 1 u hate, 1 u always think of & 1 u wish to kill. now keep guessing why I send it to u!!
Q: Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building? A: Yes, because the Empire State Building can’t jump!
A short thing its get longer as u hold it & pass between woman’s breast & enters into a small hole What is it?
Who walks with us through the difficult path of life ? Mom/dad ? -No Husband/Wife ? -No Friends ? -No
I am made of 5 letters, If you remove the first letter, It is part of our body. If you remove the second letter, It is everywhere! Guess what ???! HAIR AIR - - - - - - Answer : CHAIR
The Fishermen love me. But doctors hate me. Kids want 2 eat me. I am a 13 letter word, Who am I? Hint _H_T_ _ _I_ _ME_ Answer=Chathuringmes