You: I never forget a face
Neither do I but in your case I'll make an exception
Haven't I seen your face before - on a police poster?
Look who's talking - I bet when you go to the zoo you have to buy two tickets: one to get in and another to get out.
I think the sun shines out of your arse.
Well, you're living proof that even a turd can be polished.
Your face is such a mess, why don't you get your dog something different to chew on ?
Your face is such a mess, you should stop reading before slamming the book shut
Your face doesn't look like a doorstep, it looks like the door just kept going
Your face is such a mess, you must stop using it to hammer in nails
Sure, I've seen people like you before - but I had to pay an admission...
Hi there, I'm a human being! What are you?
I've seen more life in a down and out's vest.
You're red shirt goes well with your eyes...
Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your date.
Shouldn't you have a license for being that ugly?
Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people.
Next time you shave, try standing an inch or two closer to the blade.
If I was as ugly as you were, I wouldn't say Hi to folk, I'd say BOO!
You've got the perfect weapon against muggers - yer face.
You got a face only a mother could love...unfortunately she too hates it!
I heard that you went to the haunted house and they offered you a job.
Listen, are you always this stupid or are you just making a special effort today?
Sure, I'd love to help you, which way did you come in?
Anybody who told you to be yourself simply couldn't have given you worse advice...
I heard you were so cool that you began teaching remedial classes at Cucumber college.
Well, they do say opposites I sincerely hope you meet somebody who is attractive, honest, intelligent, and cultured.
I heard that you changed your mind. So, what did you do with the diaper?
Why don't you slip into something more a coma.
You started at the bottom...and it's been downhill ever since!
I heard that you were a Ladykiller. They take one look at you and die of shock.
Is your name Maple Syrup? - Well, it damn well should be, you sap!
I know what sign you were born under...'RED LIGHT DISTRICT'
dogs obey wen u shout @ dem
dogs dont shop
u can giv away ur dogs children
any guy can get a good lookin dog!
Hey friend remember dat without stupidity there can be no wisdom & without ugliness there can be no the world needs YOU after all!
This sms can only be read by someone SEXY
try again
maybe you are
just not sexy?
one more time
hey don't force it ugly!!!
I look at the moon, the moon is beautiful... I look at you.. I.. I'd rather look at the moon again..
As you go through life you are going to have many opportunities to keep your mouth shut. Take advantage of all of them.
Kind, intelligent, loving and hot.
This describes everything you are not...
My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife, Marrying you really messed up my life...
Roses r red, violets r blue,
Sugar is sweet, and so are u.
But da roses r wilting, da violets r dead, da sugar bowl's empty and so is ur head!
Do I look like a damn people person?
This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting
Haven't I seen your face before - on a police poster?
Look who's talking - I bet when you go to the zoo you have to buy two tickets:
one to get in and another to get out.
I think the sun shines out of your arse.
Well, you're living proof that even a turd can be polished.
Let's be honest with each other . . .
we've both come here for the same reasons.
Yes, you're right. Let's go and pull some girls.
Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today
Brains aren't everything.
In fact in your case they're nothing
Don't let you mind wander
- it's far too small to be let out on its own
He doesn't know the meaning of the word "fear" -
but then again he doesn't know the meaning of most words
I don't know what makes you so dumb but it really works
Your face looks like you've been using it as a doorstop
If your face had "Welcome" written on it,
it would make a perfect doormat
If you put your face by a door,
no one would ever come in
Your face is such a mess,
when you practice diving why don't you make sure the pool has water in next time.
Your face is such a mess,
why don't you get your dog something different to chew on ?
Your face looks like you've been using it as a doorstop
Your face would not only stop a door, but also most clocks and a herd of charging buffalo
If your face had "Welcome" written on it, it would make a perfect doormat
If you put your face by a door, no one would ever come in
Your face is such a mess, when you practice diving why don't you make sure the pool has water in next time.
Your face is such a mess, why don't you get your dog something different to chew on ?
Your face is such a mess, you should stop reading before slamming the book shut
Your face doesn't look like a doorstep, it looks like the door just kept going
Your face is such a mess, you must stop using it to hammer in nails
I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
You're about as subtle as a gynecologist wearing a gas mask and a hair net.
You're about as challenging as stealing candy from a bi-polar baby in a bell-jar.
Peanut prizes inspire monkey contestants.
May the horses break their harnesses trying to pull my dick out of your mother!
People like him don't just grow on trees - they swing from them
When he dies, they'll bury him face down, so that he can see where he's going.