Why are men like snails? ..... They have horns, they slobber and they trudge along, and above all, they think the house is theirs.
What happens when a man is in the water up till his navel ? ...... That is beyond his comprehension.
Why do have so many men a beer gut? ..... Than at least an unemployed dwarf has a roof over his head.
The ressemblance of a man and a cup of coffee? ..... They both get on the nerve.
If Adam and Eve were so beautiful, how come that there are so many ugly people ?
When a store is open 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, why is there a lock on the door ?
When you are not supposed to drive a car when you have been drinking, why do bars have a parking lot ?
When swinning is good for the development of our arms and legs, why do fish not have arms and legs ?
Blackmail: "When you do not give me the raise I will tell everyone you did give me one."
The black box of the plane is indestructible, why do they not make the plane of the same material ?
One out of 4 marriages ends in a divorce, what do the other marriages end in ?
How does the driver of a gritting vehicle go to work in the morning ?
How do you call a woman who looses 90% of her intelligence ??.................................a widow !!!!!
Do they have a coffee break at the tea factory ?
Does a liar lies when he says he says he is telling a lie ?
What do you prefer in the hereafter?...........Smoking or non-smoking area.
Where are the first 6 up's ?
Why does a kamikaze wear a helmet ?
Why does an answering machine never gives an answer when I ask something ?
Why do you always find one shoelon the streets ?
Why do we call apartements apartements when they are all connected to one another ?
Why can you buy sigarettes in a gaz station where it is forbidden to smoke ?
Why are you behind a computer, while in fact you are sitting in front of the screen ?
why are there life jackets in airplanes and no parachutes ?
What do the military do in a civil war ?
What is more easy for a man to make, a boy or a girl ? ...........a girl.....there is an example in front of him
What do sheep count when they want to sleep ?
What does a butterfly feel when he is in love?
What whish would stars make when they saw falling people.
Who invented milking cows and what did he think when he started doing it ?
Nok nok.Who's there?....Marie!....Marie who?.....Mariewhowanna....!!
The jogger who overslept found himself running late.
The more you study. Tthe more you know. The more you know. The more you forget. The more you forget. The less you know. So why study?