Knock!!!Knock!!! May I come into ur world???i bring no flowers,No cakes,But wishes to keep U fresh,Prayer to keep u healthy,And love to keep u smiling...Good Morning....
I just love when morning gets here, cuz i can send a Great Big Good Morning sms to my bestest friend.what a lovely way to start my day
A sPecIaL BrEakFasT 4 U
PaY ThE BilL By Ur CuTe SmiLe.
=G= u= D= m=O=r=N=i=n=g
Hello, wakeup, Receive my simple gift of 'GOOD MORNING' wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take Care!
Hey Sleeping Bird!
Come Back From The Dreams
New Day Has Been Started
Welcome To Another Lovely Morning
Have A Nice Day.
Sun glows for a day,
Candle for an hour,
Matchstick for a minute,
But a good day can glow forever,
So start ur day with a SMILE
Have a nice day!
Good Morning…!
An honest smile from a smiling heart,
Crossing many kilometers,
has just reached to your INBOX,
Wishing you a very happy
Early this morning God gave me 3 baskets of fruits -
LOVE + HAPPINESS + PEACE OF MIND and told me 2 share them with PPL Dear 2 me. I'm sharing all with U...
Good Morning!
All mornings are like Paintings:-
You need a little inspiration to get going,
A little smile to brighten up & SMS from someone who
Cares to color your day…GOOD MORNING…..Have a Nice Day..
With petals of Roses,Palm full of Holly water,Light of Full Sun,Fragrance of Flower and Grass with dew.I wish u a very special Good Morning....
A morning is a wonderful blessing,
either cloudy or sunny.
It stands for hope,
giving us another start
of what we call life.
Have a good morning.
Wake up & Wink those Teeny Weeny Eyes.
Stretch those Inzy Winny Bones,
Wear that Jolly Winning smile & tell yourself today is a beautiful day,
Good Morning…,
Please have a coffee of warm SMS
with sugar of sweet wishes
prepared specially for you
at this cold morning from me.
Never mind if sugar is little,
Bcoz I’ve prepared it for the 1st time.
Good Morning.
The sun had raised from the east &
birds are singing happily &
butterflies are around the flowers.
It is time to wake up & give a big yawning & say Good Morning to you..
May you begin this day with a smile on your face, and with happiness for your soul to embrace. Good Morning my love
Morning Coolness,
Rising Sun,
Singing Birds,
Melting Dew,
Along With This
Little Heart
Wishing You A Very
Glorious Good Morning
The sun has once brought brightness to earth! lazy bone. it's time 2 wake up gd morning...
5 Steps to every LOVELY MORNING this year. Close your eyes,
Take a deep breath, Open your arms wide, Feel your heart beat &
say… Here I AM OH LORD, Embrace ME & be my STRENGTH TODAY!!!
It makes me so happy, this is what i m gonna do, Send a good morning sms right back to youuu, Good Morning my Friend, HAVE A BEARY GOOD MORNING.
Treat everyone with politeness,Even those who are rude to U.....Not because they are not nice,But bcoz u are nice....!!!**Good morning**
M-ake the most of it.
O-pen your heart and mind.
R-emember to thank God.
N-ever frown
I-magine me
N-othing to worry.
G-ood Morning!
Wish you have nice day
of course good morning
With petals of Roses,Palm full of Holly water,
Light of Full Sun,Fragrance of Flower and Grass with dew.
I wish you a very special Good Morning….
I think u r very careless! U come & leave things behind! See now what U hav left! U just came in my mind & left
a SMILE on MY Face. Good Morning
The beautiful dreams has come true.
The little cute birds are singing for you.
The rays of sun are touching your beautiful eyes
disturbing you for wishing good morning.
New day new blessing.Don”t let yesterday”s failures ruin the
beauty of today,because each day has its own promise of
Good Morning
I wish God made me a SMS, so that I can reach you in 5 sec, Cost u nothing, u'll read me & I cud C U smiling which is worth a million 4me. Good Morning.
5 Steps To A Lovely Morning..
1- Open Your Eyes.
2- Take A Deep Breath.
3- Smile A Bit.
4- Open Your Arms Wide.
5- Say, “Its Too Early.
Lets Sleep Again.”
Before facing a new day,
bow your head & say this prayer:
“Thank you God for this amazingly dashing sender.
May his smartness inspire me all day long”
good morning!!
New Morning+ New Aim+ New Achievement + Ur Dedication + Commitment=Success...Just do it and win it Good Morning....
I just love when morning gets here,
Because i can send a Great Big Good Morning sms to my best friend.
what a lovely way to start my day.
Morning greetings doesn’t only mean saying Good Morning,
it has asilent message saying:
I remember you when I wake up!
Have a nice day!
Do you know the meaning of morning.?
morning means: one more inning
given by the god to play and win.
so good morning.
Have a nice day.
All d achievements in this world r made by People who had d courage to not to listen to d crowd..
Do wat they felt was right??
Gud morning!!
Your soul came back from dreamland reunited with a
sleeping senseless piece of yourself slowly open your
eyes realize its a brand new day. Good Morning.
Dr’s prescription for today.A cute little smile for breakfast.
More laugh for Lunch,Lots of happiness for Dinner,Dr”s fee…
whole Day think of me….Good Morning…
Thank you for waking me up.
A warm good morning, after
sweet dreams of last night.
wish you a good day with good morning:)
It makes me so happy, this is what i m gonna do,
Send a good morning sms right back to you,
Good Morning my Friend,
Your soul came back from dreaml
re-united with a sleeping senseless piece of yourself
slowly open ur eyes
realize its a brand new day
Good Morning
a fresh new day is here
Good Morning:
Good Morning
Always welcome a new day
with a”smile”on your
“love”in your “heart”
“good thoughts”in your “mind”
& you’ll have a wonderful day
A Bird That
You Set Free
May Be Caught Again,
A Word That
Escapes Your Lips
Will Not Return …
So Think Before You Leap
G o.O d MoRnInG
A day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won't start or end without me thinking of u...
GOOD Morning!
Get Up From your Softy Softy Bed…
Open Your…
Teeny Weeny Eyes…
Wash Your
Pinky Shinky Face…
Some One Wants to WISH You…
Good Morning
Morning Voices
Uk: Hi dear
USA:Good morning
China Mehow
India: uth baigharat, subah k 8 baj gaye hain
Above the dark horizon soon
new light rays wil appear.
They signify to all the world
One day Monday went toTuesday to see Wednesday and ask Thursday wheather Frday has told Saturday that SundaY is a FUN day....Good morning...
The sun rises into the sky
The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile,
he wishes you a good morning,
hoping that you have the perfect day.
Take care & miss you.
Good Morning
Have a fruity day..
No man in this world is rich
enough to buy his own PAST.
Enjoy each moment
before it gets beyond reach.
Have Good Day!
Wrap a rainbow of joy in you heart,
Let the sun paint a smile on your face,
Remove all clouds of doubt & fear
And receive God’s gift of life.
Good Morning!
Morning is not only sunrise
A beautiful miracle of God
that defeats Darkness & spreads light. May you have a beautiful day always..!!
Good Morning
God will not give you a burden, you can’t handle.
So, if you find yourself in a mess
that’s impossible to resolve,
Take challenge as a compliment.
God thinks you can do it!
Good Morning
Silent in mouth may avoid many problems..
smile in mouth may solve all the problems..
So always have a sweet, silent smile…
Wish you a good morning and nice day.
Hi,now i am coming to meet u…
in the way of sun light…
in the way of sweet breeze…
in the way of good wishes…
just to say good morning…
Dear Customer,
Your remaining
Sleeping time
Has expired.
Leave your bed
And get up.
say t0 all
Whatever is beautiful,
Whatever is meaningful,
whatever gives you Happiness
May all that be your Today,
Tomorrow & Forever ,
GoöD MorninG
An ideal day should begin with
a cute little yawn on your face,
A cup of coffee in your hand &
A sms from me on your mobile?!
Have a great day!
Good Morning.
The Word ‘Hello’ means
H=How R U?
E=Everything all right?
L=Like 2 hear 4rm U.
L=Love 2 C U soon.
I miss you!
Good Morning my friend
God will not give u a burden u can’t handle.
So, if u find urself in a mess that’s impossible to resolve,
Take it as a compliment-god thinks u can do it!
Good morning
The sun rises into the sky
The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile,
he wishes you a good morning,
hoping that you have the perfect day.
Take care & miss you.
Good Morning
It is a
M”ind touching”
L”ong lasting”
E”ffect which Wins the hearts.
Its your “SWEET SMILE”
So Keep smiling always,
good morning!
Simple music can make you sing,
A simple hug can make you feel better,
Simple things can make you happy.
Hope my simple Hi…!!!
Will make you smile
…Good Morning….
Good morning
With a great light of sun
With the songs of birds
With the great Azaan of Masjid
With the Quraan
With the happiness
With a great smile
And with the morning prayer
Have a nice day
Morning beauty with cool and soft breeze
are reminders that Allah loves You.
So you should enjoy the day and
make you day a memorable and lovable day!
Hi to Sweet Person
who passed Sweet Night with a Sweet Dream,
Now want to pass Sweet Day with Sweet talk,
Have a Sweet DAY,
Have a Sweet MORNING!!!
“The minute you think of giving up any relation,
think of the reason why you held it so long”
Good morning and have a nice day.
An ideal day should begin
with a cute little yawn on your face!
A cup of coffee in your hand
And a message from me on your mobile!!!
Hope you have had all the three!!!
Good Morning….
Now SUN is HAPPY and
MOON is Upset
MOON is Missing you and
SUN is with you
Have a Great and
lovely day
Happiness is not something u postpone 4 the future.
It’’s something u design 4 the present.
Make each moment a happy one.
I just did it by remembering U!
Good Morning & Have a nice day
Dont read success story.
Read only failure story,
B’coz, failure story you get new idea to win,
from Success story you get only message.
Good morning to u
Cheerful people are like Sunlight.
They shine in to the corners of the heart
offer bright mornings & fresh hopes.
**Good Morning**
to one such person…
G-get up
O-open your eyes
O-out of your bed
D-day has risen
M-merry life
O-old dreams come true
R-rise and shine
N-new friends
I-ideas of life
N-nice future
An excellent saying
“The Dream is not what you see in sleep,
Dream is the thing which does not let you sleep.”
Good morning
Every new day
Is a new chapter of life
Bringing new topics
New moments for life
I wish today all the good
Moments approach
Way to make your day joyful
Good Morning
No shadows to depress u,
only joys to surround u,
friends to luv u,
and God himself to bless u.
These r my wishes for today,
tomorrow & everyday.
Good Morning…!!
Good Morning
“Just For You”
“Must For You”
“First For You”
“Nothing To Wish”
“Nothing 2 Say”
“”Always Be Happy”
“Its My Pray”
“Have A Nice Day:-)
Silence is the best way to keep away from problems. Smile is a powerful tool to avoid many problems. So have a silent smile always..Good Morning
With petals of Roses,Palm full of Holly water,
Light of Full Sun,Fragrance of Flower and Grass with dew.
wish you a very special Good Morning….
Between 100000 yesterdays & 100000 tomorrows,
There is only one today and I would not let this pass
without saying thanks for
being such a lovely friend… Good Morning…………..
Morning is not only sunrise
but a beautiful miracle of GOD
that defeats the darkness & spread light.
May everyday spread light in your whole life.Ameen.!
“Good Morning“
Morning is a good time to
remember all the sweet things
all sweet persons in your life
so wake up with your your dreams
Goood Morning
A shining angel stands beside your silky bed
calling your nice name so softly
throwing flowers on you and
saying good morning
have a nice day
Always ask GOD to give you what you deserve,Not what you desire.Your desires may be few but you deserve a lot.... Good Morning..
The smile is like a simcard and life is like a Cellphone,whenever you insert the Simcard of a smile a beautiful day is activated...Good Morning
We’re not too close in distance.
We’re not too near in miles.
But text can still touch our hearts
thoughts can bring us smiles.
Good morning!
The sun had rise from the east & birds r singing happily &
butterflies are around the flowers. It is time to wake up &
give a big yawning & say good morning to you..
The Word ‘Hello’ means
H=How R U?
E=Everything all right?
L=Like 2 hear 4rm U.
L=Love 2 C U soon.
I miss you!
Good Morning my freind