Free Good Luck sms massages
Meaning of some colors, Yellow for special friend, white for peace, orange 4 luck,black for hate, red for love and pink for likeness,So i choose for u Orange Flower.Wish u goodluck
Stealing the blue from the splashing seas, A tinge of green from the you
thful trees, A bit of orange from the sunset hues, With crystal white from the morning dews, I have framed a bright and colourful wish Just for you. GOOD LUCK!
When things go wrong…
when sadness fills ur heart…
when tears flow in ur eyes…always remember 3 things
2—ur parents
3—my sincere prayers…..
God bless u.
Trusting God won’t make the mountain smaller but it will make climbing easier. Hope you will be able to climb all your mountains always. Good Luck
We do 100 good things
nobody remembers.
We do 1 thing wrong
nobody forgets.
Its God who Gives, Gives and Forgives.
Its human who Gets, Gets and Forgets.
To accomplish great things,
We must not only act,
But also dream,
Not only plan but also believe,
Best wishes for your exam.
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him. Good luck
As rain covers the sun.
Truth covers the lies.
Angels cover the evil.
Flowers cover the garden.
I wish and pray
that happiness covers all the
worries of your life.
When God gives us “NO” for an answer.
Keep in mind that there is a much greater “YES”
His NO is not a REJECTION.
Soft Speech clean heart, peaceful eyes, strength full hands,
focused mind and determined decision with God”s Love.
Always Makes you winner
Fly in the plane of Ambition & Land in the Airport of Success...Luck is yours, Wish is mine...May Ur future always shine...Good Luck
A race horse that consistently
runs just 1 second faster
than others is worth millions of dollars more.
Don’t compromise on 2nd position in life.
Prayer isn’t a spare wheel that
you pull out when you are in trouble.
Use it as a steering wheel that
keep you on right path through out the life.
Live with no excuses
Love with no regrets.
When life give you 100 reasons to cry.
Show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile.
Keep smiling.
A fulfilling future belongs 2 those wit strong vision and resilence.It doesn't matter where U might be now.Starting well n finishing strong is what counts. Good Luck!
never say u r happy when u r sad..
never say u r fine when u r not ok..
never say u feel good when u feel bad,..
never say u r alone when i m still alive…
good luck and best wishes for ever………….
Life is not a rehearsal.
Each day is a new show.
No repeat, not rewind, not retake.
So give your best shot
in all your acts.
As the show goes on and on.
Every sunset gives us one day less to live! But every sunrise give us, one day more to hope! So, hope for the best. Good Day & Good Luck!
Every bad situation will have something positive...Even a stopped Clock is correct twice a day...Think of this & lead ur life....Good LUCK....
Faith makes all things possible.
Hope makes all things work.
Love makes all things beautiful.
May you have all the three
for today and everyday.
Good Morning.
Have a good day.
Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy U,
but to help U realise ur hidden potential and Power,
Let Difficulties know that U too are DIFFICULT.
good luck
When u face problems in life, don't ask GOD to take them away. Ask Him to show His purpose- Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you. GOD BLESS And VERY BEST OF LUCK!!!
Every bad situation will have something positive
Even a stopped Clock is correct twice a day.
Think of this & lead ur life….Good LUCK
Rain of summer, snow of winter,
grace of autumn, glory of spring,
May beauty of every season
give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile.
May God suceed u in every exams of ur life.
Good luck & all the best
Never reject a day in your life.
Because: Good Day gives you happiness
and Bad Day gives you experience.
Both are essential in life.
Enjoy everyday of your life.
I Wish 4 " U "
Great start 4 Monday
No Obstacles 4 Tuesday
No stress 4 Wednesday
No worry 4 Thursday
Smile 4 Friday
Party 4 Saturday
& Great fun 4 Sunday
"Have a beautiful and smart week."
Are you hungry?
Never mind I have two bowls,
1 for wishes and
1 for luck.
Wishes are mine and
luck is yours.
you can take it or leave it,
choice is yours.
Every bad situation will have something positive...Even a stopped Clock is correct twice a day...Think of this & lead ur life....Good LUCK....
Faith makes all things possible.
Hope makes all things work.
Love makes all things beautiful.
May you have all the three
for today and everyday.
Good Morning.
Have a good day.
Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy U,
but to help U realise ur hidden potential and Power,
Let Difficulties know that U too are DIFFICULT.
good luck
When u face problems in life, don't ask GOD to take them away. Ask Him to show His purpose- Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you. GOD BLESS And VERY BEST OF LUCK!!!
The candle of hope is the source of light for success in life so don’t loose it. Failures try to blow it out but try to guard it with both your hands.Good Luck to U
Love is like a long sweet dream
and marriage is an alarm clock.
So have a sweet dreams till your
alarm wakes you up.
Happy Unmarried Life.
Don't take tension, u'll get ur destination.
Don't make ur mind jam, due to exam.
Believe urself, GOD will help you to get success.
Wishing you best of luck my dear.......
Happiness as light as air.
Friends as solid as diamonds and
success as bright as gold.
These r my wishes 4 u today n everyday...
When u face problems in life,
don’t ask GOD to take them away.
Ask Him to show His purpose-
Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you.
Sometimes we must be hurt in order to grow,
Sometimes we must fail in order to know,
Sometimes we must lose in order to gain
Because some lessons in life are best learned through pain.
Have a blessed day !
Growing seed makes no sound.
But falling tree makes huge noise.
Destruction has noise, creation is always quiet.
This is the power fo silence..!
Success is like your own shadow,
If you try to catch then you will never succeed.
Ignore it and walk in your own way.
It will follow you.
Winning horse does not know,
why it wins the race.
It runs because of the beating and pain.
Life is a race, GOD is your rider.
If you are in pain,
then think GOD wants you to win.
Rain of summer, snow of winter, grace of autumn, glory of spring, May
beauty of every season give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile.May God suceed u in every exams of ur life.
Good luck & God bless u.
A short but true message
for leading a good life.
“Care should be in Heart not in Words
Anger should be in Words not in Heart”.
Trust your heart don't be afraid to reach out to something new.Go ahead get yor hopes up even if things turns out differently than you have imagined.You will have tried,you will have learned,you never have to live with regrets.It seems to me what wears us down the most in life aren't the chances we take but the ones we don't take,the dreams we put aside,the adventure we push away.So what ever you want in life go for it an dalways remember no-matter what trust youer heart Good Luck!
There is only one difference
between Dream and Aim.
Dream requires effortless sleep.
Aim Requires sleepless efforts
Soft Speech clean heart,
peaceful eyes, strength full hands,
focussed mind and determined decision with God’s Love.
Alway Makes you winner
I “Pray” “For” “You”
A life that you truley “Deserve”
A life as good as your “Heart”
A life as bright as your “Smile”
A life as wonderful as “Yoy”
Good Morning
Luck is not in your hands,
But work is in your hands.
Your work can make your luck,
But your luck can’t make your work.
Always trust yourself and do your best.
Happiness as light as air.LOVE as DEEP as OCEAN.Friends as solid as diamonds and success as bright as gold.These r my wishes 4 u today n everyday.goodluck
Good decisions come from experience.
Experience comes from bad decisions.
This is life…
Never regret.
Learn from mistakes and go ahead.
Never expect things to happen..
struggle and make them happen.
never expect yourself to be given a good value
create a value of your own.
Care for the one who shares with U,
Share with the one who knows U,
Know the one who misses U,
MISS the one who well wishes for U,
Wish u a very Good Luck!
Luck is like sand in hands.
It’ll sneak out through the fingers,
no matter gripped firmly or held loosely.
Only hand in the praying posture can save it!
Wish you good Luck.
With my
1 Heart…
2 eyes…
5 litre blood…
206 bones…
1.2million Red Cells…
60 trillion D.N.A.’s…
I wish u “All the very best of LUCK”…
eXams are there,
at the paper u stare;
the answer is nowhere,
which makes u pull ur hair.
The teachers make u glare,
the grades r not fair,
but just like the past 20 yrs,

very nice post of Latest good luck wishes