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Free Cool SMS for send sms

Two things can never be defined in whole life, <1> LOVE: Because you never know who LOVES you how much. <2> FRIEND: Because you never know how deeply they care about YOU.

Always ask God to give u what u deserve, not what you desire. Its bcoz your desires may be few, but you deserves a lot!

Realize things before it’s too late. Accept things than delay them. Love People before you lose them. Life just comes once. Love it while you live it.

I decided to send you the cutest and sweetest gift of the world. But the postman shouted at me saying, Get out of the post box.

Life without love is like a fruitless tree, but Life without friends is like rootless tree. Tree can live without fruit but not without root!

Carry a heart that never hates, Carry a smile that never fades, Carry a touch that never hurts, and always Carry a relationship that never breaks.

As precious as u r to me, As precious no one can ever be, I know friends r hard to choose, But u r a friend I never want to lose.

Money says EARN me lot, Time says PLAN me lot, Flower says LOVE me lot, Study says LEARN me lot, SMS says SEND me lot, And l say REMEMBER me lot.

U want and u get U want and u get that is luck, u want and u wait that is time, u want but u compromise that is life

Memories have their strange ways. They leave you alone. When you are in a crowd. But when you are alone. They stand around you like a crowd.

If u r a chocolate u r the sweetest, if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable, If u are a Star u r the Brightest, and since u r my �FRIEND� u r the �BEST�!

My cell had accident with MOTOROLA, Admit in LG hospital, SAMSUNG nagar. Dr.Nokia says matter is serious. SMS Needed. so plz Donate some SMS urgently.

Rose is Famous 4 Grace… Advocate is Famous 4 his Case… Horses r Famous 4 Race… But u r Famous 4 Smile on Ur Face…! have a nice day

Happiness cannot be found when you seek it for yourself but when you give it to others, it will find it’s way back to you that’s the mystery of happiness it grows when shared.

The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the most of everything, that comes along their way.

Death is not the greatest loss in life The greatest loss of life is when relationship dies among us while we r alive So B strong in your Relations.

Expression of the face could be seen by everyone. But the depression of heart could be understood only by the best one. Don’t lose them in Life.

Thousands of languages around this world but “smile” can beat them all. Because “Smile” is the Language even a BABY can speak..

Some people don’t know how important their presence is. How good it feels to have them around. How comforting their words are. and how satisfying is the very thought that they exist. They wouldn’t know unless we tell them Like I am telling you now. You are Truely Valued…!!

“I Trust You” is a better compliment than “I Love You” because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust.

I wanna keep3 things: . . The SUN The MOON & My friends Sun 4 daytime Moon for night time & U.My dear friend 4 LIFETIME

A beautiful thought!! The person who can explain the meaning of color to a blind can explain anything & everything in life!

If you have a smile & you don’t use it. It means you have an account of million dollars in bank But You have no check book.

Well wisher is not who meets you everyday & talk to you everyday. Well wisher is one who may or may not meet you but always think of you & your happines.

One day u may ask me: What is more important to you, me or your life? I will say: My life… You will walk away from me without knowing that U R MY LIFE!

when someone hurts you and you didn’t hurt back when someone shouts at you and you didn’t shout back but when someone needs you you always come back

A busy life makes prayers harder, But prayers make a hard and busy life easier. So always keep praying and remember me in your prayers.

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