Friendship & Anti-Friendship SMS Messages
I MaY Not Be a cLocK ThaT maY TexT yOu 24hrs a DaY But My HeArt Will bE LikE a CloCk ThAt will nOt sToP CarIng & SayInG U r aLwaYs RemeMbEreD. TakE CaRe.
The times we shared is like shooting star... the time is short but really beautiful moments.... Forever engraved in our hearts.... Friends forever~!!!
KeEping a FRIEND is As Difficult AS losing one. U sacrifice A lot To keep them. I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u... but in my HEART I swear I'm keeping U..
We've known each other by CHANCE, became friends by CHOICE, still friends by DECISION. And when we say FRIEND FOREVER, that's definitely a lifetime PROMISE
As long as we have memories, yesterday remains; as long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we have Friendship, each day is never a waste.
Good frenz are like quilts... it never loses its warmth...
GOD is so wise that he never created FRIENDS with pricetags, Because..... if He did, I can't afford a precious FRIEND like YOU!!!
If you need advice, text me... if you need a friend, call me ... if you need me, come to me... if you need money........ SUBSCRIBER CANNOT BE REACHED!
A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway
Friends are like a head of hair. You might lose some, but with enough cash you can buy them back.
Without humor, life sucks. Without Love, Life seems hopeless. But without a friend like you, life is nearly impossible.
Memories last forever, they simply never die, true friends stay together - they NEVER say good-bye.
Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, so my friend stay wasted all the time, and have the time of your life!
A faithful friend is worth more than all the gold in the world.
Love is only chatter, it's your friends that really matter.
I've nothing to offer so it's love I'm going to send. It's nothing that I've borrowed, nor nothing that I'd lend. This love that I send comes with my Lifetime Guarantee.
It's much easier to turn a friendship into love, than love into friendship.
Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs.
If friends were flowers I would not pick you! I'll let you grow in the garden & cultivate you with love and care so I can keep you as a friend 4ever!!
When i'm walking in front of u,I'm protecting u. When i'm beside u i'm there for u, when i'm behind u, I'm watching over u. When i'm alone,I'm thinking of u.
A ring is round and has no end.... and that's how long I'll be your friend.
So many of us either fear tmr or regret yesterday. But I won't fear tmr, if I get 2 b ur fren 4ever, and I don't regret yesterday, coz 1 yesterday, I met u.
There is a gift that gold cannot buy, a blessing dats rare & true, dats the gift of a wonderful friend like the friend dat i have in u!
Our kind of friendship is like love without wings!
Friendship is a sheltering tree.
I believe in Angels, the ones that Heaven sends. Each day I tell those Angels, you are my best of friends.
Always draw a circle around the ones you love, never draw a heart because hearts can be broken, but circles are never ending.
A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature.
True friends warm the heart, make you laugh, smile...yes, you are a true friend.
A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway
Your the kind of friend that only heaven could have sent.
I need you too know our friendship means a lot - If you cry then I cry, if you laugh..if you jump out the window I look down then....I laugh again :-)
Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and place them in their best light.
Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.
The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.
Working is a delight, leave enough work for your colleagues.
My husband and I cannot decide... a dog or a we ruin our carpet or our life?
Those who think that things happen too fast are expected in a bank or a post office!
Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a door that is open to receive friends. And a garden full of memories … of many good things.
You cannot buy friendship, you can earn it. If someone comes for help, be a true friend !
A friend is always welcome ... Early in the morning or late at night. Time is of no importance ... When it concerns real friendship!!
Friendship is a wonderful word, it might be te most beautiful one on earth. Friendship is something powerful, a gift of great value!
No gold or precious stones ... give us happiness and peace, friendship and its warmth ... will bring it to us
There is a big difference between friendship and a rose... Roses last only a while ... but friendship is for ever
I asked God 4 a flower, he gave me a garden. Asked 4 a tree, he gave me a forest. Asked 4 a river, he gave me an ocean. Asked 4 a friend, he gave me you
Friends are like stars... you don't see them all the time, but you know they're there!
Life is not easy and it will never be, but you've got friends and one of them is me ...
I must have been born under a lucky star , to find a friend as nice as you are. I will follow the rainbow to the end , if you promise to remain my friend !!!
When friendship is deeply rooted, it is a plant that cannot even be uprooted by a storm....
My "aim" in life is: die young when I am very old.
When you are lazy, you cannot help it. When you are tired, that is your own fault.
who digs a hole for some else is surely no selfish person !
I am on holiday ... when I think of holidays I think of the beach, when I think of the beach I think of the sea, when I think of the sea, I think of jellyfish...
when I think of jellyfish, I think of YOU!!!!!!!!
A friend is someone who knows when you need her...
A ring is round and has no end, so is my love for you ma friend.
If my head looks like yours, I'd shave my rear end and walked on my hands.
Mirrors should be able to think before reflecting the images.
All nice things in life are illegal, immoral, or make you grow fat.
Time might lead me to nowhere and faith might break into pieces but I will always be THANKFUL that once in my life’s journey we became FRIENDS!
It takes half our life to find true friends & half of it keeping them.I am lucky to have spent less than half my life finding you & wish to spend the rest keeping you.
In my life I learned how… 2 love 2 smile 2 be happy 2 be strong 2 work hard 2 be honest 2 be faithful 2 forgive but I couldn’t learn how.. 2 stop rembering u.
A memory lasts forever, and never does it die. True friends stay together and never say good bye.
Always draw a circle around the ones you love, never draw a heart because hearts can be broken, but circles are never ending.
U got style, u got sex-appeal, u got the intelligence and u sure got the body. Wait. Sorry, wrong number!
Of all the gifts, big and small, your friendship is the greatest of them all.
A ring is round and has no end, that's how long I'll be your friend!!!
The morning is just a few moments away. Go to sleep and when you wake up, remember me as a friend who is always there for you and never let you down
Yes, God made you first, but there is always a rough draft before the final copy.
The NHS regrets to inform you that your birth was an accident. Please report to your nearest hospital to be put down. We apologize for any inconvenience.
If you are in trouble, If you need a hand, Just call my number, because I'm your friend!
Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself, because I like you, you're my friend!!!
Nostalgia is not what it used to be.
Those who think that things happen too fast are expected in a bank or a post office!
Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a door that is open to receive friends. And a garden full of memories.... of many good things.
You cannot buy friendship, you can earn it. If someone comes for help, be a true friend !
A friend is always welcome ... Early in the morning or late at night. Time is of no importance ... When it concerns real friendship!!
Friendship is a wonderful word, it might be the most beautiful one on earth. Friendship is something powerful, a gift of great value!
No gold or precious stones ... give us happiness and peace, friendship and its warmth ... will bring it to us
There is a big difference between friendship and a rose... Roses last only a while ... but friendship is for ever
I asked God 4 a flower, he gave me a garden. Asked 4 a tree, he gave me a forest. Asked 4 a river, he gave me an ocean. Asked 4 a friend, he gave me you
Friends are like stars... you don't see them all the time, but you know they're there!
Life is not easy and it will never be, but you've got friends and one of them is me ...
I must have been born under a lucky star , to find a friend as nice as you are. I will follow the rainbow to the end , if you promise to remain my friend !!!
When friendship is deeply rooted, it is a plant that cannot even be uprooted by a storm....
My "aim" in life is: die young when I am very old.
When you are lazy, you cannot help it. When you are tired, that is your own fault.
A friend is someone who knows when you need her...
A Short Description about youself