I havent put weight on, my clothes have shrunk :)
Don’t ever wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it.
is like a can of pringles, once u pop, u cant stop.
LIKE IF: Throwing your phone in anger... then checking if its still ok.
I love how, in scary movies, the person yells out, "Hello?" As if the bad guy is gonna be like, "Yeah, I`m in the kitchen! Want a sandwich?"
Even though I finished my test first, I wait for someone else to get up.
Delete from Facebook: Done ✔ Delete from Msn: Done ✔ Delete from cell phone: Done ✔ Delete from the Heart:Error
I`m not addicted to texting, I`m addicted to the person i`m texting.
If you like me, Tell Me. If you miss me, Show it. If you love me, Prove it.
If Someone Waits For U it Dosnt Mean that they Have Nothing Else To Do., It Just Means That Nothing Else is More Important Than U ♥!
One day you will ask me what is more important 2 me, you or my life? I will say my life & you will leave me without realising that you are my life !!!
a boy gave a girl 13 roses, 12 were real, one was fake,then the boy said to the girl, I will love you till the last rose dies.
insert coin 2 view todayz status!! :D :D
is wondering.... if money doesn`t grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
People say that things happen for a reason. So when I hit you up side the head, remember I had a reason.
A woman can become dangerous for man in two cases: when he doesn`t satisfy her, and when he satisfies her.
has decided that the answer to all of life`s problems is: HUG YOUR MOM!
The spaces between your fingers were created so that another`s could fill them in.
"You can`t keep the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair."
Smiling does not necessarily mean you`re happy. Sometimes it just means you`re strong.
simple tips to play safe.
* Don`t promise when you`re HaPpy
* Don`t replY when you`re anGry
* Don`t decide when you`re Sad