Would like to buy Charlie Sheen for what he is worth then sell him for what he thinks he is worth!
What’s the difference between a northern fairytale and a southern fairytale? A northern fairytale begins “Once upon a time…” A southern fairytale begins “Y’all ain’t gonna believe this shit…”
In my day, we had My Space too. And it extended five feet in every direction.
"Oops, forgot to carry the one." - Harold Camping
I heard Mayan calendars are selling like there's no tomorrow.
I have GREAT faith in the people of Japan, that they'll pull through and quickly rebuild.... look how well they did with Godzilla!
Son, when I was your age, our video game controllers were hard wired to the console. And Mario had to walk uphill both ways to the castle.
Say no to drugs. Although if you're talking to drugs you may already be on drugs.
Has anyone even thought to look in San Diego for Carmen Sandiego? Think about it, it’s a little *too* obvious. Which means it’s perfect.
Let it never be said that Elizabeth Taylor failed to increase your knowledge of FOXC2 mutations.
Lady GaGa called Rebecca Black a genius... Lady GaGa is also an insane attention whore. So it cancels itself out.
Join The Army, visit exotic places, meet strange people, then kill them.
A Short Description about youself