Free Love Facebook Status collection!
*On Chat* Girl:How much do u like me? *no response* *1hr later* Girl:R u there? Guy:O sorry i was typeing a really long number!
True love isn`t love at first sight but love at every sight.
"U really love her, don`t you?" a psychological question,no name was mentioned but suddenly,someone came into your mind ♥
When u really love someone, age, distance, height, weight.. is just a damn number ♥
U can never "just be friends" with somebody u used to love, simply because a little part of u will ALWAYS love them.
When i first met u... I Had No Idea That You`d Be This Important To Me ♥
"At Childhood We Always Wanted 2 Grow Big.. But Now We Realise Tht Broken Pencils & Unfilled Homework Was Better Than Broken ♥s & Busy life"
"can`t blame gravity for falling in love." ~ Albert Einstein
You make me smile like the sun, Fall outta bed, Sing like a bird, Dizzy in my head, Spin like a record. ♥
It`s sad when you think something can last forever, and the other person isn’t as fully committed as you are.
If you like me, Tell Me. If you miss me, Show it. If you love me, Prove it.
I turned out liking you, A lot more than I originally planned.
True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable...
I`m not addicted to texting, I`m addicted to the person i`m texting.
say " he`s sitting over there "
My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it`s surprising how often they head in your direction.
You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it.
In the arithmetic of love, 1 + 1 = everything - and 2 - 1 = nothing.
♥ LOVE always has it`s ``ERRORS`` sometimes we try 2 ``REFRESH`` then realyize it`s best 2 b ``SHUTDOWN`` but the hardest part is 2 ``RESTART`` your life and ``REFORMAT`` your HEART ♥
a boy gave a girl 13 roses, 12 were real, one was fake,then the boy said to the girl, I will love you till the last rose dies.
The spaces between your fingers were created so that another`s could fill them in.
Two small kids – boy and girl were crying…
some1 asked y r u both crying???
Girl said my doll has broken..
Boy said- bcoz my doll is crying…♥ =D
One upon a time somthing happened to me. It was the sweetest thing that ever could be..... a fantasy, a dream come true! It was the day i met you!!
I wish i was your balnket, i wish i was your bed, i wish i was your pillow underneath your head, i wanna be around you, i wanna hold you tight, & be the lucky person who kisses you goodnite.
I know how you feel inside, I have been there before
The most painful & worst possible types of goodbyes, are the ones that are never said, or never even explained.
Dear Tummy, sorry 4 all the butterflies. Dear Pillow, sorry 4 all the tears. Dear Heart, sorry 4 all the damage. Dear Brain, you were right.
You can never "just be friends" with someone you fell in love with...
Its hard to pretend u love someone when u don`t, but its even harder to pretend that u don`t love someone when u really do. ♥
Without you, tomorrows wouldn`t be worth the wait and yesterdays don`t deserve to be remembered.
a heart break is a blessing from God. It`s just his way of letting you realize he saved you from the wrong one.
Relationships are worth fighting for. But sometimes, you can`t be the only one fighting.
I don`t have the prettiest face for you to see or the skinniest waist for you to hold. But I do have the biggest heart to love you with.
You can`t love someone until you love yourself.
Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I’m only falling apart.
If you never get your heart broken, you`ll never learn to love.
The hardest thing to do is watch someone you love, love someone else.
Love is based on compatibility, infatuation, chemistry and appearance.
this is my regular heartbeat:
this is my heartbeat whenever i see you:
Sitting next to you, doing absolutely nothing, means everything to me.
The quickest way to get someone's attention is to no longer want it.
I love it when people call me at 3 AM. "Hey, are you asleep?" "No, I'm skydiving."
Some people are meant to be in love with each other...but not meant to be together.
I love the feeling when you finally turn off your light and get in bed and think, "I have been wanting to do this since 7:00 this morning."
If you love someone set them free. Then send them a text message every hour letting them know you've set them free.
I'm pretty sure I love my drug dealer more than my parents..
I'm addicted to the show Intervention.
I'm gonna invent a "Like Collar". It's basically a dog collar that shocks at excessive use of the word "like"
My roommate just put cream cheese on his bagel before he put it in the toaster
Dating a Ninja is hard work
Young Love. Full of promise, full of hope. Ignorant of reality.
Going to the mall today to sit on Cupid's lap and tell him who I want for Valentine's day.
THEY'RE going THERE with THEIR friends. Seriously it's not rocket science.
If you're 17 and your 200 year old lover won't turn you into a vampire so you can be together forever, he's just not that into you.
I tolerate you better than I do anyone else" is the new "I love you."
Love is not the dying moan of a distant violin - it's the triumphant twang of a bedspring.
Shoutout to all the guys who's "Valentine" is on they period
A zombie boyfriend will love you for your brain and not your body.
I do believe in love at first sight which is why I quit looking homeless people in the eyes. Just can't risk it.
Being single doesn`t necessarily mean you`re available. Sometimes you have to put up a sign that says, "Do Not Disturb" on your heart. ♥
It was love at first sight. Then I took a second look !!
Single people who are bitter on Valentine's Day are more annoying than couples who actually celebrate this day.
would like to remind any unhappy souls today that St Valentine was beaten to death with clubs
If I ever write a love song it will be about a guy who doesn't snore and loves to cook.
I didn't trip, I just attacked the floor with my mad ninja skills
When the I in "I love you" becomes more important than the "you," the word in the middle just fades away.
I never feel sorry for people who are alone on Valentine's Day. I feel sorry for people who have someone but still feel alone.
Instead of celebrating Valentine's Day this year, I'm celebrating Discount Chocolate Tuesday.
I love it when I hear lyrics that totally apply to my current situation.
Why give second chances when there are people waiting for their first?
nothing to do but always love you
True love when you`re no longer wanting him/her, but you need them.
It was hard for me to walk away. But even harder when you didn`t even bother to try and stop me.
A relationship is like a job. You have to work hard to get in it, and you have to work even harder to stay in it...
Love can`t be proven with poems, promises, or presents. Sometimes, only pain and patience can prove it.
True love doesan`t have a happy ending. It has NO ending
They say Love isn`t a game. Why are there so many players then?